Complimentary Gift Wrap and Shipping with Every Order.
Complimentary Gift Wrap and Shipping with Every Order.
Living by the sea, Dr.Huber was constantly inspired by marine life, especially the extraordinary, self-regenerating properties of giant sea kelp. Dr. Huber eventually created his own method of unlocking potent activity from such pure ingredients, using the power of fermentation.
Perfected over 12 years, after nearly 6,000 experiments, this transformative process produced cell-renewing Miracle Broth-the elixir that soothed his skin and flows through every La Mer product today.
Our own time-intensive craft - lasting 3 to 4 months - captures the power and efficacy of sea kelp, vitamins and minerals by using light and sound energies to amplify activity. Fine tuned to perfection, this unique method gives way to the skin-soothing, energy-boosting Miracle Broth™
Every time the Miracle Broth is created,
it all begins with a starter drop from
the previous batch- the unbroken link to
Dr.Huber's very first Crème de La Mer.